Bartarinha Group Apps

Cooking Magazine 2.35
This application belongs to those who lovecooking. It is free and there is no need for registration.Support «Bartarinha Cooking Magazine» By voting 5 stars.By this application, you can simply cook different types of foodsand deserts. Moreover, you will receive new recipes everyday.If you enjoy a recipe, mark it as favorite so it is alwaysavailable.The content is categorized in following groups so you can easilyaccess them:• Iranian food: you learn Iranian local food of varietycities.• International food: you learn Asian, European and Americanfood.• Appetizer: if you want to surprise your guests by some deliciousAppetizers, look at this part.• Dessert: you can find many different desserts such as fruit tart,cake and so on.• Salad: different types of salads even for those who followregime.• Drink: different types of drinks and herbal teas.• Side dishes: different types of pickle, sauce and so on.Here are some Features of this application:• Articles and recipes are categorized in groups• Able to search in texts and headlines• Able to add recipes to favorite list• Full screen• Access to the contents and move them easily• The possibility of turning the contents without returning to thelist• Able to change font size and type• Able to Share recipes in WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Tango, Telegram,email and so on• Able to save images• Pull to refresh for updatingThere are some points for using this application easily:• If you read a text once online, you will be able to read itoffline next time.• If you want to save an image, click it. The save button is at thebottom left side of the gallery.• If the contents were loaded with delay, go to the setting anddelete temporary memory.• If you are looking for especial subject, use search tool.Send your suggestions and Criticisms to the Food#International Dishes#Salads#Soups#Drinks#Sweets and Desserts#Ingredients#Appetizer
نی نی بان
لطفا با رای 5 ستاره ، اپ خودتان ( نی نی بان )را یاری نمایید.نی نی بان، جامع ترین راهنمای بارداری و کودکیاری با 20هزار مقالهرایگانموضوعات نی نی بان:نی نی بانحاملگیبارداریناباروریکودکزایماننوزادمشاوره رایگانسیسمونیانتخاب نامسزارینهفته به هفتهکودکیاریجنیننوپاخودارضاییجنسیتواکسنسقطزنانمهدکودکانتخاب اسممتخصص اطفالمحتوای نی نی بان از قصد بارداری تا 9 سالگی را در دسته بندی هایذیل پوشش می دهد:قصد بارداری، بارداری، زایمان، نوزاد، نوپا، کودک و خانوادهویژگی ها:1- دسته بندی کاربردی و ساده بیش از 20هزار مقاله2- بروز رسانی محتوای برنامه با 50 مطلب جدید در هر روز3- مشاوره آنلاین رایگان با متخصصان در زمینه های مختلف ( بزودی)4- تولید بسته های محتوایی ارزشمند در حوزه بارداری و کودکیاری بانظارت متخصصین5- ارائه ابزارها و چک لیست های کاربردی برای خانواده هاابزارهای ویژه:- ابزار پیشرفته جستجوی نام کودک- ابزار پیش بینی جنسیت نوزاد- ابزار محاسبه زمان زایمان- ابزار محاسبه میزان اضافه وزن در دوران بارداری- ابزار محاسبه شاخص توده بدنی (BMI)- ابزار محاسبه میزان کالری مورد نیاز روزانه- ابزار داینامیک زمان بندی واکسیناسیون کودک+ 2 ابزار حرفه ای شگفت انگیز دیگر ! ( بزودی )Please rate 5 stars, yourapp (tad-Bahn) to help you.Ban Tad, the most comprehensive guide to pregnancy and childcare with 20 thousand articles freeBan Tad topics:Ban TadGestationPregnancysterilityChildgiving birthBabyfree consultationChildren'sPick upCaesarean sectionWeeklyChildcareFetusnewMasturbatingSexThe vaccineAbortionWomenkindergartenChoose a namePediatriciansBan Tad content of pregnancy up to 9 years on planning coversthe following categories:Pregnancy planning, pregnancy, childbirth, infants, toddlers,children and familiesFeatures:1. Categories and simple applications of more than 20 thousandarticles2. Update the content of the program with 50 new posts perday3. The free online consultation with specialists in various fields(coming soon)4. The production of valuable content by experts in the field ofpregnancy and child care5. Provide tools and Czech list of applications for familySpecial tool:- Advanced tools Search Baby Names- Tools to predict baby gender- Metering delivery- The tool calculates the weight gain during pregnancy- The tool calculates body mass index (BMI)- A tool to calculate the daily calories- Dynamic scheduling tool to vaccinate childrenProfessional + 2 other amazing! ( Soon )
Chidaneh Interior Design Ideas 1.1.2
You may have experienced performing a smallchange in your home or office, or searching a professional andreliable company for building or renovation your dreamy home, orlooking for your favorite stool for kitchen counter.CHIDANEH is a place to see the photos of architecture and interiordesign projects performed by different Iranian companies; a placefor finding your favorite designs and choosing the best people fordoing your project.By CHIDANEH App, you can:• See the information about Iranian companies projects and thevarious ideas for renovation and interior design. You can getideas, know Iranian designers and builders and connect them.• See outstanding projects designed by professionals and Iraniancompanies, get ideas of them and connect their designers andbuilders.• See a set of professionals and active companies in architecture,interior design, building, installations and selling products andfurniture field throughout the Iran, see their projects,descriptions, experiences and contact information and use theirproducts and services.• See your favorites from various products that have complete anddetailed information and contact their main sellers for moreinformation and shopping.
Sport News 2.45
Reporting the most important news from Iranand around the word in 24 hour. Showing the first pages of Iraniansport newspapers. It is free and there is no need forregistration.Here are some Features of this application:• Articles are categorized by subject (football, volleyball,handball, basketball, wrestle and so on.)• Able to create favorite list• The possibility of turning the contents without returning to thelist• Able to Share news in WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Tango, Telegram,email and so on• Able to save images• Full screen• Showing the first pages of sport newspapers• Able to search in texts and headlines• The Iran and the word league table(coming soon)• Showing the game result online(coming soon)• Showing games online(coming soon)There are some points for using this application easily:• If you read a text once online, you will be able to read itoffline next time.• If you want to save an image, click it. The save button is at thebottom left side of the gallery.• If you are looking for especial subject, use search tool.Send your suggestions and Criticisms to the Sports#News#Football#Wwrestling and Martial Arts#Volleyball#Basketball#Handball#Table Soccer Leagues
Bartarinha Info Bank 4.00
You can find all of the job categories in Tehran city as following:Specialist doctor, Dentist, Plastic surgeon, Restaurants andcaterings, Festivity services, Photography studios, Clubs, Gardensand drawing rooms, Beauty salons, Fashion shows, Fashion designs,Furniture and bedroom furniture, Interior decorating, Schools,Nursery school, Travel agencies, Institutes, and etc. FEATURES: ·Classification of articles according to subject · Offline savingand reading · Facility to add items to readings’ list · Create afavorite list · Fast and easy access and shift between articles andinformation · Skim the pages without back to list · Customizingarticles stand · Night mood reading · Share articles to SocialNetwork and your friends
اخبار داغ 4.18
Download Free Hot News App
برترین ها 4.59
Check out the Top Rated and read the latest news and mostattractive contents have fun!
Life Style 2.10
It is free and there is no needforregistration. Support ‘Better life’ by voting 5 stars.If you are looking for successful life and careerIf you are looking for more moneyIf you want to start a new businessOr want to know more about big companyDon’t worry! Just install this application and study a few minutesaday.It is a fast and low volume application which contains over2000articles about success, business, marketing and advertising.Itupdates everyday.Success: Introducing the best brands and its secrets, themostsuccessful people and their behavior and so on.Marketing: Teaching various marketing techniques, dos and don'tsofcustomer services and different selling methods.Advertising: if you want to have effective advertisementsandattract many customers, don’t miss this part. You will findthebest logos and ads as well as mistakes in advertising.Business: the most interesting part of this section isbusinessstories and the difficulty of entrepreneurs to achievetheir goals.Moreover we will tell you how you can be asuccessfulentrepreneur.Here are some Features of this application:• Articles and news are categorized in different groups.• Able to search in texts and headlines• Able to create favorite list• Full screen• The possibility of turning the contents without returning tothelist• Access to the contents and move them easily• Able to change font size and type• Able to Share news in WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Tango,Telegram,email and so on• Able to save images• Able to contact with businessman through box.• Pull to refresh for updatingThere are some points for using this application easily:• If you read a text once online, you will be able to readitoffline next time.• If you want to save an image, click it. The save button is atthebottom left side of the gallery.• If the contents were loaded with delay, go to the settinganddelete temporary memory.• If you are looking for especial subject, use search tool.Send your suggestions and Criticisms to Lifestyle#Relationship#Marriage#Fashion and Clothing#Personality#Spiritual
Tourism Magazine 2.10
Where should I go on my next vacation?Tourist attractions in cities.Customs guide for tourists.Travel equipment and accessories.This application is updated everyday and belongs to thosewholove travelling.It is free and there is no need for registration.Support »tourism« By voting 5 stars.It is a low volume and free application which givesyoucomprehensive information about Iran and the worldtouristattractions.The content is categorized in following groups:• Iran tourism: Introducing tourist attractions anddifferentIranian cuisines.• World tourism: Introducing the most popular countries astouristdestinations for international travelers.• The art of travel: if you don’t know travel accessories or youarelooking for a good hotel or even you want to have a cheapvacation,refer to this section.Here are some Features of this application:• The contents is categorized by Iran tourism andworldtourism.• Able to search in texts and headlines• Able to create favorite list• full screen• The possibility of turning the contents without returning tothelist• Access to the contents and move them easily• Able to change font size and type• Able to Share articles• Able to contact with businessman through box.• Pull to refresh for updatingThere are some points for using this application easily:• If you read a text once online, you will be able to readitoffline next time.• If you want to save an image, click it. The save button is atthebottom left side of the gallery.• If the contents were loaded with delay, go to the settinganddelete temporary memory.• If you are looking for especial subject, use search tool.Send your suggestions and Criticisms to of Interest
مجله موفقیت 2.00
کلیه امکانات این برنامه رایگان است و نیازیبهثبت نام ندارد! لطفا با رای 5 ستاره، از برنامه خودتان (راهبرتر)حمایت کنید.- اگر به دنبال موفقیت در کار و زندگی خود می گردید- اگر می خواهید در آمد بیشتری داشته باشید- اگر می خواهید کسب و کار جدیدی را شروع کنید- و یا در مورد تجربیات شرکت های بزرگ بیشتر بدانیدنگران نباشید! فقط کافیه نرم افزار راه برتر را نصب و روزیچنددقیقه مطالعه کنید.این برنامه‌ بسیار سریع و کم حجم ، شامل بیش از 2 هزار مقالهوجدیدترین مطالب در مورد موفقیت ، کارآفرینی ، بازاریابی وتبلیغاتمی‌باشد که به صورت روزانه آپدیت می شوند.موفقیت: در بخش موفقیت با موفق ترین برند های جهان و مسیر حرکتآنها، موفق ترین اشخاص و خلق و خوی آنها و صدها مطلب ارزشمند دیگرپیرامونموفقیت آشنا خواهید شد.بازاریابی: تکنیک های مختلف بازاریابی ، باید و نبایدهای حفظمشتری، روش های مختلف مخ زنی (!) و فروش را در این بخش به شما آموزشخواهیمداد.تبلیغات: اگر می خواهید تبلیغات موثری داشته باشید و به واسطهآنمشتریان زیادی را جذب نمائید، این بخش را از دست ندهید. در اینبخششما را با برترین لوگوها و آگهی های تبلیغاتی و همچنین اشتباهاتیکهدر تبلیغات رخ می دهند آشنا می کنیم.کارآفرینی: داستان های کارآفرینی و سختی هایی که افرادکارآفرینبرای رسیدن به هدفشان طی می کنند از جذابترین مطالب این بخشمی‌باشد.در کنار این داستان ها ما به شما می گوئیم که چگونه می توانیدیککارآفرین پر درآمد و موفق باشید.برخی از امکانات برنامه راه برتر :1- دسته بندی مطالب2- قابلیت جستجو در متن و تیتر مطالب3- امکان ایجاد لیست علاقه مندی ها4- دارای حالت تمام صفحه (Full screen)5- دسترسی راحت به مطالب و جابجایی ساده بین آنها6- امکان ورق زدن مطالب بدون بازگشت به لیست7- امکان تغییر نوع و سایز فونت8- امکان به اشتراک گذاری مطالب در واتس اپ، وایبر، لاین،تانگو،تلگرام، ایمیل و ...9- امکان ذخیره تصاویر10- امکانPull to Refresh برای آپدیت مطالب جدید11- امکان تماس از طریق فرم با صاحبان مشاغلنکاتی برای استفاده بهتر از برنامه:1. اگر یکبار مطالب را به صورت آنلاین مشاهده کنید، در دفعاتبعدیبدون نیاز به اینترنت به همان مطالب دسترسی خواهید داشت.2. برای ذخیره عکس های موجود در اخبار و مطالب، روی هر عکسکهخواستید کلیک کنید، تا وارد گالری عکس آن خبر شوید، دکمه ذخیرهدرقسمت پایین صفحه سمت چپ موجود است.3. اگر مطالب با تاخیر زیاد لود شدند کافیست یک بار به قسمتتنظیماتبروید و گزینه پاک کردن حافظه موقت را انتخاب کنید.4. در صورتیکه به دنبال موضوع خاصی هستید،از قابلیت جستجوینرمافزار استفاده کنید.ضمنا می توانید انتقادات و پیشنهادات خود رابهنشانی ارسال کنید تا پس از بررسی، دربروزرسانیبعدی برنامه لحاظ نمائیم.#موفقیت#بازاریابی#تبیلغات#کارآفرینیAll features of thisappis free and there is no need to register! Please rate 5 stars,ofyour program (for the better) support.- If you want success in your work and life was- If you want to have more income- If you want to start a new business- Or in the case of corporate experience Learn moreDo not worry! Top software installed just a few minutes adayreading.It's very fast and compact, containing more than twothousandarticles and the latest success stories,entrepreneurship,marketing and advertising, which are updated on adaily basis.Success: The success of the world's most successful brandsandtrack their movements, the most successful individuals andtheirtemperament and hundreds of other valuable article, you willlearnabout success.Marketing: Marketing techniques, dos and don'ts ofcustomerretention, different ways flirtatious woman (!) And salesin thissection I'll show you.Advertising: If you want to have effective advertisingandattract many customers because of it, do not miss thissection.This section will provide you with the best logos and adsas wellas familiar mistakes that occur in our advertising.Entrepreneurship: The story of entrepreneurship and hardtoachieve his goal of entrepreneurs who are in the mostattractivecontent of this section. Along with the stories we'lltell you howyou can be an entrepreneur profitable andsuccessful.Some program features superior way:(1) Categories Content2. The ability to search the text and headline topics3. Ability to create a favorites list4. Full-screen mode (Full screen)5. easy access to content and easy movement between them.6. Possibility of turning the material without returning tothelist7. You can change the font type and size8. Ability to share content on WhatsApp, Viber, Line,Tango,telegram, email ...9. Ability to save images10. Ability to Pull to Refresh to update new content11. calls through the form with business ownersTips for better use of the program:1. See if once content online, the next time without anInternetconnection will have access to the same content.2. To save a picture in the news and views, click on eachphotoyou want, it's sure to enter the photo gallery, the Savebutton atthe bottom left of the page is available.3. If the contents were delayed loaded just once go toSettingsand select the option to clear the cache.4. If you are looking for something specific, use thesearchfunctionality software.You can also send your feedback to Addressapp@bartarinha.comuntil after the review, in the next update of ourprogram.# Success#Marketing# Advertising# Entrepreneurship
Technology News 2.00
If you are looking for the latest articlesandnews in digital and internet or you are interested in cars,installthe fast and low volume ‘Science and Technology’application.It is free and there is no need for registration. Moreoveritupdates everyday.Support ‘Science and Technology’ by voting 5 stars.The content is categorized in following groups:• Science of the day: The latest content in varioustechnologyfields such as robotics, software, status of ICT in Iranand soon.• Digital: All you are looking for in digital world, fromlearningapplications like Instagram to Speed up your phone,computer gameand internet.• Internet: If you are looking for knowing what you can do ontheinternet, how to be unknown in virtual world or gettinginformationabout communication applications you have installed onyour phone,read this section.• Vehicle: This part belongs to those who love cars. Itcontainsinteresting articles with various images, vehicleinspection andcar classifications.Here are some Features of this application:• The contents is categorized in groups.• Able to search in texts and headlines• Able to create favorite list• full screen• The possibility of turning the contents without returning tothelist• Access to the contents and move them easily• Able to change font size and type• Able to Share articles• Able to contact with businessman through box.• Pull to refresh for updatingThere are some points for using this application easily:• If you read a text once online, you will be able to readitoffline next time.• If you want to save an image, click it. The save button is atthebottom left side of the gallery.• If the contents were loaded with delay, go to the settinganddelete temporary memory.• If you are looking for especial subject, use search tool.Send your suggestions and criticisms to and Technology#Science#Digital#Internet#Automotive
Health & Beauty 2.00
If you want to read the latest news ofbeauty,mental health, fitness and healthy food, install the fastand thelow volume “Health and beauty” application.It is free and there is no need for registration.Support “Health and beauty” application by voting 5 stars.If you want to lose weight without harming your body or like toknownutritious food recipes, install “Health and beauty”application.The content is categorized in following groups:Beauty and fitness: over 1500 articles and tipsNutrition: over 500 articles and healthy food recipesMedical and general health: over 1500 articles innewachievementsWomen: over 500 articles regarding women's health issuesMental health: over 500 practical articlesMedical: medical articles written by doctors who workwithBartarinhaHere are some Features of this application:• Articles are categorized in different fields of healthandbeauty• Able to search in texts and headlines• Able to create favorite list• The possibility of turning the contents without returning tothelist• Access to the contents and move them easily• Able to change font size and type• Able to Share news in WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Tango,Telegram,email and so on• Able to save images• Able to contact with businessman through box.• Pull to refresh for updatingThere are some points for using this application easily:• If you read a text once online, you will be able to readitoffline next time.• If you want to save an image, click it. The save button is atthebottom left side of the gallery.• If the contents were loaded with delay, go to the settinganddelete temporary memory.• If you are looking for especial subject, use search tool.Send your suggestions and Criticisms to and Health#Beauty#Nutrition#Fitness#Mental Health#Women#Public Health#Building Practitioners
Chidaneh 2.2.1
چیدانه، رسانه آنلاین دکوراسیون داخلی و معماری